I’m sorry to see you are having this problem. Package Manager failed to start, it could be you have a corrupt installation.
This could be helpful https://answers.unity.com/questions/1686400/failed-to-start-the-unity-package-manager-local-se-1.html?childToView=1695915#answer-1695915
If this is not the case, could you please provide some more information such that we could have a better idea about the issue?
- Can you provide the logs (Editor.log and upm.log)?
- To gather these files, please refer to the Log files section in Unity User Manual (Unity - Manual: Log files)
- Please keep in mind these files are written over every time Unity is executed, so they contain only the information from the last launch of the application.
Also, Was Unity installed through Unity Hub? Which version of Unity Hub & Unity Editor are you using?
In the meantime, there is a troubleshoot guide that might be helpful if you haven’t tried it yet