MacOS Catalina - Blank error appears with no info


After updating from Unity 5.6 to 2017.4 and our OSX to Catalina, it seems we’re receiving an empty error in the console. There’s no info related to it, double click it doesn’t do anything either.

Any way we could check what’s going on with this and how to fix it?

Most of our project is coded in Unityscript and I found this issue which won’t be fixed… might it be the very same issue?

Should I just downgrade to Mojave?

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We have encountered the same problem. Downgrade to Mojave will not be approved by Apple.

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Do you mean to downgrade to Mojave so Apple accepts the update, or that Apple is no longer accepting builds coming from Mojave? (I find the latter unlikely, but you never know… so better be safe and ask to avoid confusion)

Xcode updated to the latest would be allright

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This blank error happens for us too on Catalina with Unity 2017.4.33f. It happens only for projects with UnityScript (js) files. It works for C#-only projects. I reported a bug to Unity, no response yet.

I pulled out of the closet my old Mac with macOS 10.13.6 High Sierra and I was I able to build my old project with Unity 2017.4.33f for both iOS and OSX. Then I built iOS project / OSX package on newer Mac with up to date macOS/XCode.
But that way you need 2 Macs.


I’m actually building the xcode project directly on PC and exporting it to our mac at the moment… :confused:

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Apparently, this Unity bug will not be fixed.

Won’t be fixed until 2017.4 end of life

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got same error with 2017.4.34f1

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This bug is in 2017.4 LTS. The entire point of the LTS system is to prevent critical, workflow-destroying bugs like this. How in the world is Unity refusing to fix this?

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  • Updating OS breaks my project
  • Updating Unity breaks my project
  • I will also break my project to fullfill its destiny

Well, I would love to hear the reason why they are refusing to fix this issue while LTS support continues

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Does anyone have a workaround?

Does your project happen to have old .js code in it ? We have seen cases where having old unity script code in the project will result in this issue.

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Thanks for chiming in. Yes, that’s exactly the case. Our project makes heavy use of .js which is precisely why we are using 2017.4 LTS. We had been counting on this LTS to carry us through for many more months.

Our project is inoperable on Apple’s current OS. We were under the impression that LTS exists to fix scenarios just like this.

Is there an explanation for why this doesn’t warrant a fix? We would be so grateful for some help with this!

I will look into what it will take to resolve this issue for 2017.4 LTS


Thank you so much. As it stands now, all the major 2019 hardware releases — the 16” MBP, the Mac Pro — which can’t be downgraded to Mojave are off the table for anyone who still has projects that rely on .js.

If you can give .js life on Catalina it will be a huge deal and will likely preserve compatibility until long after the 2017 LTS cycle has ended.

May I ask if you have any updates on this? Thank you!

Just getting back from holiday break :smile: So I shall look into this this week.

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Thank you and welcome back!

Any luck so far? :slight_smile: