macos hdrp empty template crashes


I wanted to test HDRP but every time I create an empty hdrp template, the unity editor crashes. It also crashed when I try to reopen it.

This is the crash report:
-[MTLIGAccelCommandBuffer renderCommandEncoderWithDescriptor:]:369: failed assertion `Already have uncommitted encoder’

I am using macOS Mojave 10.14.6

I tried hdrp templates using 2019.2.0f1 and 2019.2.4f1

I also tried creating an empty template and then adding the hdrp from package manager. Once I assign the hdrp settings to the graphics settings the unity crashed again

I tried to disable Metal and then assign the hdrp, it didnt crash but obviously it didn’t run as well, unity gave an error saying to enable metal.

I searched around but couldn’t find any solution.

I would appreciate any help


Can you please give more information about your hardware / software configuration please ?

Also, have you checked with more recent 2019.2 ? (And 2019.4 isn’t available yet, you probably made a typo)

yes sorry it is 2019.2.4f1
attaching my mac properties

another point to mension: standard pipeline and lwrp both works without any issues

4971380--484250--Screen Shot 2019-09-17 at 12.50.43.png

This crash might be hardware specific (“old” intel chipset) … I’ll see if we are able to reproduce the issue on one of our setup, but for the moment, it wasn’t the case.
You best bet know would be to send us a bug report with the crash log, and please copy the issue link here.

Update : I’ve found somebody with a very similar setup (all the same as you, but 16GB of ram) and it still doesn’t crash.

Please send us a bug report with the crash log.


just for an update.

tried 2019.3.0b4 and it doesn’t crash. same settings same everything

I’ve suddenly started seeing this exact same crash on as HDRP project that was working earlier today.

Crash log (which includes version info):

Still seeing this, after throwing out the Library and Temp folders and letting Unity reload everything from scratch. It is 100% consistent; I can’t load this project at all.

Same project loads OK on Windows. And other projects load fine on my Mac, with the same version of Unity.

But unfortunately the project is 83 GB, so I don’t think you want me attaching it to a bug report… any suggestions? I’m desperate to get back to work here.

I tried updating to 2019.3.0b5, and that at least did not crash immediately. But that has other issues (the scene view is getting about 0.5 frames per second, even in a fairly simple scene) that make it pretty much unusable for now.

So I reverted back to 2019.2.0f1, let it downgrade the project, and all was good at first. Editor was up and working, I ran the scene and it ran, but then when I stopped the scene — boom. :frowning:

And now, I’m right back in the same state where it crashes on launch (when launched with this project).

I’m downloading 2019.2.8f1 in hopes that this will fix it. If it doesn’t, I’m really stuck…

…and to follow up, no, 2019.2.8f1 doesn’t fix it. :frowning:

@Remy_Unity , is there anything in this crash log that provides a clue for some workaround? The crash is inside of DrawLightProbeGizmoImmediate, apparently while trying to compile a GPU program. What in the project could trigger this? Would it have to do with light settings? Shaders in the project? Something else? I’m desperate here…

did you try 2019.3 beta? does it also solve your crashes?

Same for me in 2019.2.9 on a MacBook Air (13-inch, 2017)