MacOS Xcode "No such file or directory"

I just upgraded to 2022.2.1f (I was on 2022.1 before and didn’t have this issue)

When I create an Xcode project for my mac game, and try and build or archive, I get these errors:

/Plugins/Info.plist: No such file or directory

/Plugins/ProcessStart: No such file or directory

/Plugins/FileBrowser: No such file or directory (file browser is an asset store asset)

/Plugins/CodeResources: No such file or directory

Now whats interesting is that I have these three files in the Plugins dir:


there is no coderesources, and info.plist is in the adjacent directory to Plugins (so basically i think it’s looking in the wrong place)

Also, for the files that are present in /Plugins, maybe the reason it’s saying ‘no such file or directory’ is because of the .bundle filename extension?

Anyone having this issue or know how to fix?

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Please submit a bug report for this issue. This is not something we’ve seen before, but we would like to correct it.

Hi, thanks for the reply,

I narrowed it down to a plugin called “File Browser PRO”, and submitted a bug report with a repro project here

It was working before I updated Unity, so I think it’s an issue with Unity


Thanks! We will investigate this.

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any updates? ai is taking over the world we’re in a hurry :eyes:

It’s been less than two business days. I doubt you’ll see any hot patch for something like this. The fact you got any response at all is above average.

Do you have any special characters or space characters in your build path?

No, nothing yet. I’ll let you know if I hear anything.

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I have spaces, but that shouldn’t be why.
It works fine in 2021.3.16f1 so it’s the unity version.

It seems like the xcode project gets configured to look for files in the wrong place now or smth, which is why I’m convinced it’s a unity issue

Easy enough to test, rename the path to avoid spaces. Yes, it would be a regression on Unity’s part. Software regressions happen. If that’s not the case, we have more data to fix it. If that IS the case, we have more data to fix it AND you are able to continue development before the patch is made.

In the software development world, it is tempting fate to use any special characters or spaces in filenames. There are just WAY too many shell scripts which need very careful handling to deal with paths. It’s always whack-a-mole.

Same problem for me, I am just dealing for solutions 2-3 days.
This disgusting.

It has been known for some time now!!! It has even been fixed in 2023.x but they didnt even bother backporting it to 2022.2 until i called them out on it !!!
Here is the bug report, its still “under consideration”. Please go an vote for it, nothing much else us poor helpless developers who have invested our lives into unity can do …

I have upgraded the project I took build, build also successfully in xcode,but it is not running,i cannot open the app

Voting on this is pointless, as this bug report is about a specific bug in 2023 (which would only happen for il2cpp universal binary builds with script debugging enabled) - related to code which did not exist in 2022, and with repro steps which don’t reproduce in 2022. It cannot be backported to 2022, and is unrelated to the issue reported here.

That said, looking at our code, I have found a recent fix to an issue specific to Xcode builds and .bundle plugins - which is likely what you are seeing here. The issue is tracked at [Unity Issue Tracker - On macOS, .bundle plugins are broken when using Xcode to generate standalone build

I](Unity Issue Tracker - On macOS, .bundle plugins are broken when using Xcode to generate standalone build) will submit a request to backport the fix for this issue.

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Thankyou, am eagerly anticipating it.

I’m still baffled by how Unity allows such horrific regressions to just slip so easily…no wonder everyone is leaving to Unreal

downgrade 2021,it is working.

this is not a solution in the slightest.

I updated to 2022.3.10f1 Silicon and I was able to build / archive my xCode application now!

Xcode Archive error. Unity 2022 LTS. ?gq=Xcode%20Archive%20error.%20Unity%202022%20LTS
MacOs 13.2.1 (m2)
Unity 2022.3.2f1〜2022.3.6f1
Xcode 14.3.1