I use Unity + VS with a single monitor, and it bothers me severely that I have to constantly switch back and forth between the two programs. Alt-Tab helps a bit, but I don’t like having to press tab a varying number of times depending on the apps I’m using.
There’s a Unity editor script that brings VS to focus when you press CTRL-1. There’s also a VS plugin that brings Unity to focus when you press CTRL-1.
I considered putting this up for a buck on the Asset Store but I felt bad putting a price tag on something with so little code. But if you find it useful, it would be great if you could sign up for my mailing list (http://www.voidupdate.com). I’m a solo dev working on a lot of tools and games, so I figured it would be a good idea to find people with similar interests that I can ping when I have something interesting to show to the world.
If anyone is interested, I might make a version of this that works on Mac with MonoDevelop. I briefly looked at that as well (I usually Boot Camp on my MacBook when I code but I sometimes use OS X), but it looks like the add-ins guide on the MonoDevelop website doesn’t work with the Unity version.