"Made with Unity" splash screen showing up in Pro 5.0.1f

The screen is showing up in my built program versions since upgrading today to 5.0.1f. I have a Pro license. I reactivated the license through the menu->License Management->Manual Activation to no effect. What else can I do?

Also been experiencing this with the pro version.

You can remove this in the Player Settings.

haha. great.

Thanks, Aurore. That was it. The update must have reset it somehow.

It’s actually something we added, we were getting asked about having the animated splash screen for Pro users, it’s currently on by default but can be turned off and on at any time.

Could this animated splashscreen be shown to both eyes in VR builds so that it becomes a 3D splashcreen. That is the only issue I have with it now.

hmm, I’m not well versed in VR, could you post the question in the VR forum. I did a search and I don’t think it’s come up. Unity Engine - Unity Discussions

I doubt it, but don’t know for sure.

lol had this too and spent an hour re-activate license and re-build…
I think Unity should at least off this option by default, since no Pro users want Unity splash screen anyway!!!