
Hi I am trying to upload file for a story but always getting this:
Forbidden / 403
You don’t have permisson to view this page. You might find what you are looking for by browsing through the links in our top menu.

Tried on different browsers all the same. How can workaround such issue ?

I am trying to upload it by button which is calling javascript:void(‘Add media’)

I just noticed that after uploading file there is a message “File xxx.xx was uploaded” but only for 0.5 sec then the 403 error is shown. And I am not able to use uploaded file.

anyone ?

We’ll check out what’s going on.

Hey, could you try again, we think we’ve sorted out the problem. Let me know if it’s working for you.

Yes now its working ! Thanks :smile:

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I am facing another problem now, I am trying to add link to story with my game page already published in MWU but after saving draft the link is disappearing.

Ok (without link to game profile) I published story on MWU successful BUT! It is published with date 9.11 and this was the very first creation of the story and not its publishing date. Could I ask somebody to please fix it and update my story for publish date today (18.11) ? Such issue make it less visible for readers who filter stories by publish date and don’t look at older ones. Thank you

Story link: Made With Unity | Unity


Sorry about that. I have had the date fixed for you.