MadMan(Artur G.) Assets Thread

!!!2020 ANNOUCEMENT!!!

Hey guys!

All packages will be updated to Unity 2020 version within next 4 weeks - will do my best to update asap. Once it is done I will post an info here.

With updates new content will visit my Asset Store page :wink:

Here is a questionnaire for you guys - help create content that will work best for you!



I would like top down versions of your environments such as the bunker and old manor.

Honestly it would be very easy to use current packcages for top-down games. In fact I only have to add a few more segments (that ones that are closed from the top need opened versions) and that is all :wink: I will add top-down examples in future updates, but first I need to finish “Ghost Town Pack”.

The bunker looks amazing! Can’t wait to see the ghost town pack!

I want to buy it to use in unreal engine 4 can you export them so I can import them easily in unreal 4? I will buy both then :slight_smile:

Renegade - I’ve replied to your email :slight_smile:

Eyehawk - thanks. I will put some work in progress stuff on my blog this evening.

Anyways I bought the bunker from Unity asset store so will try that one first and it if works then will buy the manor one also.

Renegade, if you are using UE but you’re familiar with Unity you can build scenes in Unity and use export obj tool to transfer them into unreal. Quite tricky but you will avoid tons of prefabing inside UE… but honestly if you want to create your project proffesionally - you should prefab everything inside engine you’re using.

Hey Mad-Man,

Are all the environments used in your horror game?
Also, you are a bit late man :frowning: Just sent my game to Steam this morning… Would’ve love to update my haunted manor environment. Can you tell me if I can make changes to the build now and add them as updates when the game is launched?

Also, how is your game going? Haven’t seen the Episode 3… :frowning:

Hi primus! In case of HM it’s a bit tricky at the moment as I don’t own this game anymore…

From what I know you can modify anything you want in updates on steam so noone should cry if you will make it look better or just different. I guess.

EDIT: and no, only manor was used in HM and it was changed a lot

Ah… interesting changes.
Well then, as soon as I get home I will update the package, to see what goodies await. Also, the bunker thing looks really nice. As usual, high quality work!

Eyehawk - it took a little bit longer but I finally updated my blog with few words about ghost town pack :wink:

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Just sharing some GhostTown wip screenshots… tell me what you think!

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I like it! Curious how optimized the final product will be.

:smile:[quote=“Mad-Man, post:12, topic: 545029, username:Mad-Man”]
Eyehawk - it took a little bit longer but I finally updated my blog with few words about ghost town pack :wink:

It’s looking great !! Love these new assets ! :slight_smile:

Really digging your assets. Any chance you’ll be creating texture atlases for these? They really help a ton with performance & draw call optimization.

Oh man, I was supposed to wait until the end of the month before getting the bunker :hushed:, but dangit, it was just too good - just bought :smile:

Do you have an estimated time frame for your ghost town pack?

Yep, finished that one today, uploading preview video at the moment. Tomorrow I will create mesh colliders and submit packcage. I will post final screenshots and movie today.

One more thing - submiting dropped prices for Manor and Bunker (70% Off) till Ghost Town release on asset store :slight_smile: So you will be able to buy Manor for 30$ and Bunker for 15$ very soon. After Ghost Town gets live - I will submit regular prices.

:slight_smile: Definitely grabbing Bunker and Ghost Town. Any reply on the texture atlas question by the way? It really does help performance a ton!