Magnet: rotate with the Magnetic Object

Hello! I wanted to create a “Magnetic Man” so I got this Magnet Script here and put it on my player:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class Magnetic : MonoBehaviour {
     public LayerMask m_MagneticLayers;
     public Vector3 m_Position;
     public float m_Radius;
     public float m_Force;
     void FixedUpdate ()
         Collider[] colliders;
         Rigidbody rigidbody;
         colliders = Physics.OverlapSphere (transform.position + m_Position, m_Radius, m_MagneticLayers);
         foreach (Collider collider in colliders)
             rigidbody = (Rigidbody) collider.gameObject.GetComponent (typeof (Rigidbody));
             if (rigidbody == null)
             rigidbody.AddExplosionForce (m_Force * -1, transform.position + m_Position, m_Radius);
     void OnDrawGizmosSelected ()
         Gizmos.color =;
         Gizmos.DrawWireSphere (transform.position + m_Position, m_Radius);

it works pretty fine, my settings are: Magnetic Layer: Default (my magnetic object are on that layer) Position: 0 - 0,95 - 0,19 (so that the magnetic field is slightly infront of the character) Radius:1 Force:30 (also tried it up to 800)

but the magnetic objects that got picked up, are not rotating with the rotation of the player. so when i walk around, it always stays on the same world position and i want to have it always in front of the characters face. something like a gravity gun

so i editied the script a little bit to this:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class Magnetic : MonoBehaviour {
    public LayerMask m_MagneticLayers;
    public Vector3 m_Position;
    public float m_Radius;
    public float m_Force;

    public GameObject m_Position_placeholder;
    void FixedUpdate ()
        Collider[] colliders;
        Rigidbody rigidbody;
        Vector3 m_position = m_Position_placeholder.transform.position;
        colliders = Physics.OverlapSphere (transform.position + m_Position, m_Radius, m_MagneticLayers);
        foreach (Collider collider in colliders)
            rigidbody = (Rigidbody) collider.gameObject.GetComponent (typeof (Rigidbody));
            if (rigidbody == null)
            rigidbody.AddExplosionForce (m_Force * -1, transform.position + m_Position, m_Radius);
    void OnDrawGizmosSelected ()
        Gizmos.color =;
        Gizmos.DrawWireSphere (transform.position + m_Position, m_Radius);

And an empty GameObject as a child of your player and positioned where you want the center of the magnetic field located.

Add a reference to that object to this script: publicGameObject m_Position_placeholder;

but i have so say that its not really working as i expected :-/ you can check it out here:NACHGEWIESENE VOR- UND NACHTEILE VON SEO IM BEREICH DES DIGITALEN MARKETINGS - Pixelpizza - Medien and alles drum herum WASD controls and then try to interact with the pink sphere but somehow its still not rotating with the player. has anybody a suggestion how to achieve this?

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