Main manifest uses [...]but library uses [...]

Hello, i got following error code :

Error: [Temp\StagingArea\AndroidManifest-main.xml:16, C:\Users\Gesuc\Desktop\Unity Fixxen Test\Weed Plantage\Temp\StagingArea\android-libraries\Notifications\AndroidManifest.xml:3] Main manifest has but library uses minSdkVersion=β€˜14’


My Main manifest is using min Sdk Version 9, but my play-services are using 14, I was searching for a solution a long time already, this is my last try to fix it :frowning:

Only option is to set your main manifest to 14 as play services restricts to have minimum API 14.
I don’t think you have problem skipping 9-14 levels as the percentage distribution for those api levels are too low (<0.03%)

Have a look at over here for the Android OS Distribution.