main screen game

hey im looking for a way to lets say have my game and before i can play i would like to have something like an interface like most games like call of duty Black ops where you can click on campain multiplayer options somthing like that can some one tell me how this works tnx Greats Wesley S

You could make a main menu level that is run before your main level(s) is/are run. You can make use of GUI functions to make buttons, texts, lists and so on. Each button can then call Application.LoadLevel, to load a specific level. You need a way to query something for available games for your multiplayer tab. It could be a server hosting game details, or maybe you use some other means of polling what games exists.

You should look into the GUI class.

What you want to do is a scene that you f.ex. call Menu. Make a new cube, remove everything in the inspector except the Transform. You should probably rename it to GeneralScripts or something. Then you attach a JavaScript to it and play around with the GUI class.

Buttons Textfields
