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Maintainer will help you keep your projects neat and clean with this 3-in-1 feature set:

  • Issues Finder: find & fix problems and issues
  • References Finder: find assets references in whole project
  • Project Cleaner: clean garbage

To know more about each module please read detailed descriptions below.

Issues Finder

This module allows you to find different issues within your Unity3D project, like missing scripts, unused components, and many more (see list below). Some of these issues can be fixed in one-by-one and batch mode.

What Issues Finder can find:

  • Missing references through the whole project - both in objects and settings.
  • Shader compilation errors in all shader files

Game Object Issues


  • Missing components
  • Missing prefabs
  • Duplicate components
  • Inconsistent Terrain Data


  • Objects with unnamed layers
  • Objects with huge world positions (> 100k on any axis)

2. Project Settings Issues

  • Duplicates in Tags and Layers

References Finder

This module allows to easily find assets references in scenes, prefabs, settings, in whole project!
It’s really easy to get started: just click one button or call one menu item or press one hotkey or just drag and drop desired assets on the tab to scan them.
First scan caches data for the blazingly fast subsequent searches.
Navigate through the whole dependency tree of any asset, jump to the references, search, filter, sort columns.

Project Cleaner

This module allows to find different garbage, unused stuff in your project and clean it up with few clicks.
Among regular garbage search and delete, this module also has optional auto cleanup of the empty folders on scripts reload (you may like this is you use VCS which do no sync empty folders e.g. GIT).

Common modules highlights:

  • Flexible filtering & ignores options

  • Easy and comfortable results navigation

  • Extra care for the corner cases

  • Public API to integrate into your pipeline

  • Results export to let you share them with your teammates (example), for some modules

Overall highlights

  • Full C# sources included
  • Works fine with .NET 4.6 and Assembly Definitions
  • Intuitive and easy to use, no additional knowledge required
  • Works everywhere where Unity works (even on Linux)
  • Supports both dark and bright skins

Please, consider reading User Manual to get started.

Regular price: $30
Or get in bundle for cheaper price!

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Definitely got a sale here when this goes live.

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Original and useful!

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Thanks for your support guys, hope to send it for review this weekend, so I expect it to go live next week.

Made a short video about the Issues Finder module (best look in full screen at 1080p):

And it’s finally live, woohoo!!
Grab it here: Unity Asset Store - The Best Assets for Game Making
I should mention current price is introductory and will raise with some of upcoming updates (I have lot of plans and lot of new features will be introduced).

Please, don’t be afraid of any bugs you’ll encounter, just report them here and I’ll do my best to fix them ASAP.
I’ll be glad to hear any suggestions, feature requests and your overall opinion - how Maintainer works for you? Is it yay / nay / meh?

Hi again,

I’m starting to be a fan of your packages - thanks for high-quality stuff :slight_smile:

Maintainer works very fine, just wondering if it is possible to run it via the code? I’d like to include it to our CI process.

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Hey, @VeTaL !
Thanks for your trust!

Actually you may run it via code, but you’ll get Maintainer window opened in result. I guess you wish to get full report as result instead?

Please let me know if I’m right and I’ll include it to my TODO!

That’d be a good feature to have!

Glad to hear, adding it to my roadmap! ^^

Definitely :slight_smile:
Json format would be perfect, but any other should work too.

Is there option to run to check current active scene only? My project big, I don’t want to run through every scene.

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Hey, @imtrobin !
Yeah, it’s already done: but not released yet (going to be released with nearest update).
Please, let me know if this is urgent need for you and send me your invoice via PM and I’ll send you back current dev version with this feature.

Or you may filter only scenes in build and disable all scenes you need to skip in build settings.

No hurry, I can wait if its not too long since there’s a workaround.

Used it several times, have some suggestions:

  1. It would be nice to have warnings when same script is used more than one time per prefab. Somehow, we managed to get 2 similar scripts on the same pref, so it would be nice to be warned about that.
  2. There are no errors if prefab structure is quite complicated and issue (missing script) is on the lowest level. I have a prefab (panel), inside there was another prefab (scroller) and inside there was a button (just another prefab) with missing script - i got editor realtime warnings, but Maintainer was silent.
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Hey, @VeTaL !
Thanks, added both to my TODO \ CHECK lists.

Hey again, @VeTaL !
Just in case you missed it, there is [DisallowMultipleComponent] attribute which will not allow your script to appear twice on same object.

And I just finished first prototype of duplicate component search:

Thinking about deep option to compare all values of same components and skip duplicates with different fields values. It will slow down search for sure, thus it will be optional. And maybe not in the upcoming update.

@VeTaL regarding your second report - Maintainer currently skips all unchanged in-scene prefabs if prefab assets search is enabled (Prefab assets in Filtering options).
I did it to avoid multiple reporting of the same error made in prefab. But you’re right, in such case it will miss anything nested on 3+ level of prefab.

For now you may just disable Prefab assets filtering option and let Maintainer check all you in-scene prefabs.

I’ll think how to deal with this (current ideas - skan all in-scenes prefabs and live with duplicate issues, or place each prefab in new scene and scan all deep nested objects in file prefabs this way, slowing overall prefabs scan performance, but reducing chance of duplicated issues in report).

Thanks, i didn’t know about that. Though, i think ppl are too lazy to add it everywhere :slight_smile:

Nice, cant wait trying it.

Well, i’d say in most cases people are using up to 5-7 different components per prefab. So in most cases fields values check would not be even started.
Anyway, analytic has to take some time - thats what end user expects :slight_smile:

As for me, duplicate issues are not that bad. If i have 2 object instances with similar child prefab which has some problems, basically, i have 2 issues (which can be fixed with 1 fix, though). I think, placing each prefab on the scene would take way longer.

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Version 1.1.0 is out!
Some new features, lot of improvements and fixes were made for you, guys.
This is the only beginning, I still have lot of stuff in my TODO! ^^


  • Issues Finder:
  • new scene filtering mode: current scene only
  • new search option: Duplicate components
  • new Reset button added to let you quickly reset settings to defaults
  • new standard prefab icon added to the prefab assets records
  • now after search you return to the scene which was opened before search
  • now scene file is highlighted when you press “show” button
  • now all buttons for found issues are placed below issue description to avoid unnecessary scrolling
  • now all deep nested objects (level 2 and more) in instantiated prefabs are scanned as well
  • report header was re-worked a bit and now includes unity version
  • now Issues Finder may be called from user scripts, see “Using Maintainer from code” readme section
  • lot of tooltips added
  • attempt to fix rare Maintainer leakage
  • increased Unity 5 compatibility (deprecated API replaced)
  • scenes in build filtration optimizations
  • minor fixes and improvements
  • minor optimizations
  • minor refactorings
  • Settings file is now re-created in case it was damaged and couldn’t be read
  • Troubleshooting readme section was supplemented by new item about Debug Inspector mode
  • additions and fixes in readme