Major download & install issues with Unity Hub 3.11.0


So Unity Hub (running on Windows 10) updated itself a few days back to 3.11.0 and yesterday I attempted to update Unity to 2022.3.56f1 using it.

Two days later, I still haven’t managed it.

As far as I can tell there are two issues going on here, so let me explain…

Issue 1

For some reason, downloads are constantly failing in the Hub. All other downloads and\or network traffic on the machine is working as expected. It’s just Unity Hub 3.11.0 that’s displaying these issues. Unity Hub 3.10.0 (and older) versions rarely suffered from download failures.

These failures are predominately affecting the Android components (as seen in DownloadErrors.png)…

Once a module fails to fully download or install, the downloaded module (in the temp folder) is removed and using the ‘retry failed modules’ option makes no attempt to start another download and retry. It just instantly reports failed again (over and over)

Issue 2

Download failures I can live with, if the recovery\resume process is robust.

But what’s happening is that Unity Hub doesn’t recognise that not all sub-modules installed successfully, and marks the relevant module as ‘installed’ and doesn’t allow any further changes (see InstalledModules.png)…

As can be seen from that screenshot, Unity Hub thinks Android is ‘installed’ even though 5 out of the 8 required modules failed to install.

The Android modules cannot be uninstalled (and re-installed) or repaired or even just retried. In effect, it’s corrupted the install rendering it completely useless. Short of manually downloading all the required Google packages and manually fixing them myself.

The only way out that I can tell is to completely uninstall the entire Unity version and try again.

Further to above…

Whilst frustrated with these issues, I accidently removed the wrong Unity version from the Hub (55f1 not 56f1) but the Hub doesn’t allow previous (even LTS versions) to be downloaded from what I can tell.


  1. Please can a simple uninstall prompt be implemented? (in this day and age, it’s crazy to allow an entire program be uninstalled without a prompt!)
  2. Please can (recent?) Unity versions be listed in the Hub?

So I thought about rolling back to Unity Hub 3.10.0 then trying to install 56f1 but… oh wait, I can’t!

I can find no links to previous versions of the hub on the Unity website. Downloading from a non-official source is not an option.

Two days wasted for such a simple thing, it’s so incredibly frustrating.

Please can someone from Unity help out here?


I would suggest uninstalling the Hub, clearing the Hub data (under AppData, check all three folders, keep a backup). Then reinstall the Hub.

Make sure no 3rd party antivirus or ‘Internet security’ software is running while doing so. And install to default locations to exclude any file/folder permission/ownership issues. Lastly, be sure to have 20+ GB free disk space on the OS drive and any other drive you install the Hub to or have Unity projects.

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Hey @CodeSmile

Thanks for the response.

So the good news…

I uninstalled Unity Hub and blitzed everything it left behind. Rebooted, installed 3.11.0 (from a fresh download) and normal service has resumed. Download rates are now more stable and zero failures.

I can only assume that somehow the update to 3.11.0 ‘corrupted’ the installation.

That said, the robustness of the download & install process clearly needs some work and my experience over the last few days can be boiled down to…

  1. All sub-modules should be successfully installed for the main module to be classed as ‘installed’
  2. If sub-modules fail, please allow them to be retried (outside the context of the current session)
  3. Allow modules or sub-modules to be uninstalled.
  4. Can a simple uninstall prompt be implemented (in this day and age, it’s crazy to allow an entire program be uninstalled without a prompt!)
  5. Can previous Unity versions be listed in the Hub for installation.

Hopefully the Unity Hub team read this and take it on-board.

If Unity intend on making\keeping Unity Hub at the heart of the experience, it definitely needs some robustness\usability improvements.

I hope this all helps.

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