Make a custom score counter in unity with c#

I am trying to create a custom score counter in unity, currently I am using the below code to create the score counter.

`void OnGUI () {
	     GUILayout.BeginArea ( new Rect( Screen.width/2-Screen.width / 8, 10, Screen.width / 4, Screen.height / 4 ) );
	     GUILayout.Box ( score.ToString () );
	     GUILayout.EndArea ();

What i am trying to achieve is like a a digital clock type counter, so there would be an image of the of the background then the number in the center of that background would change as score increased. I would also like to implement a sort of flick down as if you turned a page in a notebook type effect when the score increased.

Any help with completing this is appreciated

public GUITexture textureScore;
public Texture2D zero;
public Texture2D one;
public Texture2D two;
public Texture2D three;
public Texture2D four;
public Texture2D five;

void Update () {
    if(score == 0){
        textureScore.guiTexture.texture = zero;     
    }else if(score == 1){
        textureScore.guiTexture.texture = one;              
    }else if(score == 2){
        textureScore.guiTexture.texture = two;              
    }else if(score == 3){
        textureScore.guiTexture.texture = three;                
    }else if(score == 4){
        textureScore.guiTexture.texture = four;             
    }else if(score == 5){
        textureScore.guiTexture.texture = five;             

not perfect but it works, no animation on it though