Make A Escape Zombie Style

Hello i want to create a Zombie Escape Game with waves…
I also have waves, i have zombies.
The wave changes when all zombies for the wave are dead… but i would like to change this and make an point to escape with time.

Like 3min to go to this point and escape to change to next wave how can i do that?

I’m using this project Unity - Wave Survival Multiplayer v2.0 (Showcase) - YouTube

i would like to create a Crossfire Escape Mode Style

GooD day @Savate7 !

What are you asking for? You have to do a concrete question, post info, post scripts, etc…

If not, we can not help you, we will not tell you “how to make a game”, we will tell you how to script or make Unity do what you need.

So, i recommend you to Edit the question an give more info about your problem, and ask using @tormentoarmagedoom

Bye :smiley: