I am working on a timer for my game and I want to add some extra details to it. Right now I am simply using currentLevelTime.ToString("F2); and this kinda works. But there are a few things I don’t like about it.
Firstly, when separating the whole number and decimals there’s only a dot. I want it to be a colon instead.
Secondly, when it shows, for example, 10.7. I would like it to always show two digits on the decimals. Like 10:07. The same with the whole number. Instead of showing 8.1 it should show 08:01. How can I accomplish something like this?
You need to split your number in two Strings: one with “10” and the over one with “7”.
Then count the length of the first part (let’s call it string1), if the lenght is = 1 (or not 2), this means you have to add a 0 at the beginning.
if (string1.Length < 2)
string1 = "0" + string1;
Same thing for the second string.
At the end of the day, you will want to display something like:
timerText.text = string1 + ":" + string2;
Hey there
I’m guessing you want to split your time into minutes and seconds, then format it in a nice string. On that basis, here’s some example code to:
Split a floating point number of seconds into minutes and remaining seconds
Make use of the .net formatting system to convert those to different strings
float total_seconds = 193.3f;
//calculate the number of whole minutes, then subtract from total to get remaining seconds
float minutes = Mathf.Floor(total_seconds / 60.0f);
float seconds = total_seconds - minutes * 60.0f;
//(A) gives 3:13.30
//the minute is at least 1 integer digits (will show a 0 otherwise)
//the seconds will be at least 2 integer digits (padded with 0s),
//and EXACTLY 2 fractional digits (padded with 0s)
Debug.Log(string.Format("{0:0}:{1:00.00}", minutes, seconds));
//(B) gives 03:13.30
//same as (A), but minutes must be at least 2 integer digits
Debug.Log(string.Format("{0:00}:{1:00.00}", minutes, seconds));
//gives 03:13
//same as (B), but with no fractional digits for the seconds
Debug.Log(string.Format("{0:00}:{1:00}", minutes, seconds));
//gives 3:13.3
//same as (A), but the '#' means we now do AT MOST 2 fractional digits
Debug.Log(string.Format("{0:0}:{1:00.##}", minutes, seconds));
The string formatting in .net is really handy once you get the hang of it. Key documentation that’s useful is:
General string.Format documentation:
Custom numeric format documentation (can also be used in ToString functions):