Make a number of buttons with recttransform arranged by a float.

I want to make a list of buttons with a scroll bar from scripting and instantiate, associated with the distance between a series of gameObjects (the ones with the tag) with one object(control tower) . The script must rearrange each T time with an update float. I did half of the work, but i have one problem, the buttons dont setparent to another ui object and only spawn one. There is the code, it’s not finished:

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using System;
using System.Collections;
public class MakeListOfButtons : MonoBehaviour {
    public string Tag;
    public GameObject ControlTower;
    public GameObject PrefabButton;
    private GameObject FinalButton;
    void Start()
        InvokeRepeating ("MakeTheList", 0, 5);
    void MakeTheList ()
        int N = 0;
        GameObject [] Buttons = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag (Tag);
        int NTag = Buttons.Length;
        GameObject [] ButtonsSorted = new GameObject[NTag] ;
        float [] Distances = new float[NTag];
        foreach (GameObject B in Buttons)
            Vector2 heading = new Vector2 ((B.transform.position.x - ControlTower.transform.position.x),
                                           (B.transform.position.y - ControlTower.transform.position.y));
            float Dist = heading.sqrMagnitude;
            Distances [N] = Dist;
            N = ++N;
        float [] fixDist = Distances;
        Array.Sort (Distances);
        foreach (float D in Distances)
            N = 0;
            foreach (GameObject B in Buttons)
                if (fixDist [N]==D)
                    ButtonsSorted [N] = B;
        Vector3 CloneOriPos = new Vector3 (0.0f, 8.43f, 0.0f);
        N = 0;
        GameObject [] FinalList= new GameObject[NTag];
        GameObject Parent = GetComponent <GameObject> ();
        foreach (GameObject i in FinalList)
            GameObject T = Instantiate(PrefabButton, CloneOriPos, Quaternion.identity)as GameObject;
            FinalList [N]=T.GetComponent <GameObject>();
            FinalList [N].transform.SetParent (Parent.transform);
            CloneOriPos.y = +2f;

[ code] [ /code] tags… for the love of…

have you looked at the layout components in the new UI? You can set that on the parent in the canvas hierarchy and the children are automatically layed out in grid/list/whatever the layout component is set to, the buttons are just added as children and you can order them as needed to sort them as you like. You can then set the padding between elements with the layout component.