Hi guys !
I’m quite new to Unity and quite bad in english, i’ll try to do my best.
I’m trying to make an animation viewer in Unity. I use generic avatars, and I got some troubles to view my animations on Unity viewer builtin.
The situation is: all my friends don’t get 3D software to check my animations, so I would like to build an Unity scene so they can play randomly animations on a given character.
It can be useful for me too, to check if they are well set at the import, before putting them in the gameplay logic.
I began to script it (C#) but i got some troubles.
First I wanted to just give to the script, by the Inspector, a character Prefab and a directory where I store animation files (with animation clip inside). But I couldn’t manage to give a directory as variable in the Inspector. Is there a way to do it? Or should I put it as string variable written by hand?
Then, with my animation clip list, how could I play them on my character? Is it possible to randomly chose one and play it, by the Animator Component? It’s like the animation system does not really allow it. Is there some trick to do it, without building an Animation Controller state machine?
I’m here to find more advices than solutions. If you think i’m on the wrong way, and there is better ones, please tell me.