Hi, I’d like to do what it says in the title.
I explain: I have the main light of the scene (directional light) which has a color. A sprite also has a color. And here I would like to make the sprite have the same color as the main light. I’m new to Unity and need some help. I need a C# script.
BTW, that sprite is in a 3D world. If you’re wondering why he does a sprite in a 3D world, it’s not a GUI, it’s an object in the scene. Is more complex to explain.
Why dont use a quad instead?, it wil use the same as the sprite, but will have the materials parameters to play with.
Also you can change the material of the sprite to standard, and i think it may work.
If both doesnt work for you, you can use getComponent().color; to change to the color you want. Use colorUtility to set the color you have in the directional light to the spriteRenderer color.
SpriteRenderer sr;
Light directionalLight;
sr= getComponent<SpriteRenderer>();