Make a water effect

Hi! Can someone PLEASE help me in this? Seriously, i am almost begging someone to help me because this is going to make me crazy! I have a pool in my game, and i wanted to make a water effect when the player is underwater.

It’s a water plane. I just want to make something like… the screen goes to a mix of blue and green, so the player really feel that he is underwater. Obviously i want him to see too, so it can’t be just paint the screen. Can someone help me? I tried everything that i know, and a lot of people tried to help me too but nothing works! Here is some images of my “pool”.

Let me explain what i’ve tried:

I have tried aq doubleface script, and it didn’t worked. I tried a script that changes the color when you are in a certain place, and it doesn’t work. I tried to make an image appear when you are in the water, but it ALSO didn’t work. I can post the scripts as comments if you want. PLEASE HELP ME =C

Well, i guess a simple Method for this could go something like that:

  • Make a transparent Image of your desired effect (as you stated a mix of blue & green)
  • Put the Image onto your screen as an UI Image and set it to inactive.
  • Make a Box Collider set to trigger in the Underwater area.
  • Script if the Player is underwater (the Boxcollider) that the UI Image you made earlier goes active else the Image is inactive