Make an GUI text appear when the player approaches A gameobject.

I am making an adventure game But i’m bad in coding so i don’t know how to do something like this:
What i want to do is create an GUI text when the
player approche a Gameobject and disaspear when the
player walks away.

Is it possible?

Even if you’re bad at coding, it’s a good idea to read the manuals first.

First answer: Yes. Definitely possible. Dave’s suggestion of using a trigger is definitely a good idea, though you could also set a distance. Here’s a snip of code from a label that fades in and out based on the distance you are from it, and rotates to face the camera. Read through it a bit and then rework it for what you need if you’d like:

//Set the distance at which the object fades, and how far it takes.
var FadeStart : int = 150;
var FadeDist : int = 5;

//Which items should fade?
var Panel : GameObject;
var TextBox : GameObject;

private var FadeEnd : int;

function Update () {

//Check the distance between the active camera and the text
var dist = Vector3.Distance(Camera.main.transform.position, transform.position);
FadeEnd = FadeStart+FadeDist;

//Rotate the text to face the camera, as long as you're more than 5m away
			transform.eulerAngles.x = 0;
	//Fade the text and box, with an alpha between 0 and .75			
		if(dist>FadeStart && dist<FadeEnd){
			var renderAlpha = 1-(dist-FadeStart+(.4*FadeDist))/FadeDist;
			Panel.renderer.material.color.a = renderAlpha;
			TextBox.renderer.material.color.a = renderAlpha;
			Panel.renderer.material.color.a = 0;
			TextBox.renderer.material.color.a = 0;
			Panel.renderer.material.color.a = 0.75;
			TextBox.renderer.material.color.a = 0.75;