Hi, in my game I’m trying to play an audio file when a random generated number is equal to a pre-given number. It works, the only problem is the audio file playes a lot of times. I have tried using a boolean but it doesn’t work. Here’s the code:
#pragma strict
var sound1 : AudioClip;
var sound2 : AudioClip;
var sound3 : AudioClip;
var sound4 : AudioClip;
var sound5 : AudioClip;
var lastsound : String;
var randomnummer : int;
var randomsound : int;
var playsound : boolean = false;
var time : float = 1.0;
var GuiVisible : boolean;
var GuiVisibleInt : int;
function Start () {
lastsound = "no sound played"; // This is just for making the gui look nicer.
function Update ()
time += Time.deltaTime;
if (time >= 3) // If there are more than 3 seconds
randomnummer = Random.Range(1,10); // Generate random number between 1 and 10
randomsound = Random.Range(1,5); // Generate random number between 1 and 5
time = 0; // Set the time back to 0
if (randomnummer == 5) // If the first random number is equal to 5
playsound = true; // Set boolean to play a sound true
if (playsound == true && randomsound == 1) // If playsound is true and the second random number is equal to 1
audio.PlayOneShot(sound1); // Play the first audio file
playsound = false; // Set playsound back to false
lastsound = "_sound1"; // This if for GUI
if (playsound == true && randomsound == 2) // If playsound is true and the second random number is equal to 2
audio.PlayOneShot(sound2); // Play the second audio file
playsound = false; // Set playsound back to false
lastsound = "_sound2";
if (playsound == true && randomsound == 3) // If playsound is true and the second random number is equal to 3
audio.PlayOneShot(sound3); // Play the third audio file
playsound = false; // Set playsound back to false
lastsound = "_sound3";
if (playsound == true && randomsound == 4) // If playsound is true and the second random number is equal to 4
audio.PlayOneShot(sound4); // Play the fourth audio file
playsound = false; // Set playsound back to false
lastsound = "_sound4";
if (playsound == true && randomsound == 5) // If playsound is true and the second random number is equal to 5
audio.PlayOneShot(sound5); // Play the fifth audio file
playsound = false; // Set playsound back to false
lastsound = "_sound5";
if(Input.GetKeyDown("space")) // This is for toggeling the GUI visible and invisible. I know there are
{ // better ways of doing this (with getkeyup for example) but I'm to lazy
GuiVisibleInt ++; // to change it.
if(GuiVisibleInt == 2)
GuiVisibleInt = 0;
if(GuiVisibleInt == 1)
GuiVisible = true;
if(GuiVisibleInt == 0)
GuiVisible = false;
function OnGUI () // more gui stuff
if(GuiVisible == true)
GUI.Label(Rect(10,65,Screen.width,Screen.height),"Random Number : "+randomnummer);
GUI.Label(Rect(10,85,Screen.width,Screen.height),"Random Nummer Timer : "+time.ToString("f2"));
GUI.Label(Rect(10,105,Screen.width,Screen.height),"Last sound played : "+lastsound);
I know it isn’t the best piece of code but I’m only one week into learning to code