Make buttons visible in the editor?

i have my game with lots of buttons and it fits most resolutions however im working on my project on a different computer at my cousins and in the editor when i play it i carnt see the buttons however i can when i build it i can. how to i get just that little bit more zoomed out so i can see the buttons while playing in the editor without doing anything to complicated.

please help thanx :)

Without redoing all your GUI code to use Screen.width and Screen.height (which you should have done) the only way to get more editor screen space is to switch to "tall" or "wide" layout if you haven't done so already. Or click on the maximise on play button. This will use as much space on your screen as you have available, unless you've got a tiny screen then there's not much else you can do.

This is typically a problem with the aspect ratio, which varies depending on how you have your editor layed out and whether you are using more than one monitor. At the top left of the game window is a small drop down set to "Free Aspect". Set this to the same on all machines you work on (I use Standalone 1024x768, for example), unless/until you have a completely flexible system, such as that described by SpikeX and spinaljack.