Make grenade doesnt affect anything if it is behind wall

Hello guys, its my first post here, hope you can help me…
I have a grenade object, that destroys itself in a certain time, and I have THIS FUNCTION CALLED IN OnDestroy() :

function AreaDamageEnemies(location : Vector3, radius : float , damage : float ) {
	var objectsInRange : Collider[] = Physics.OverlapSphere(location, radius);
	for (var hit : Collider in objectsInRange) {
		if (!hit) {

		var proximity : float = (location - hit.transform.position).magnitude;
        var effect : float = 1 - (proximity / radius);
	    if (hit.tag == "Movible") {
	       	 	hit.rigidbody.AddExplosionForce(50, this.transform.position, 10, 3.0);
	    if(hit.tag == "Blanco") {
			var VidaNegra : ManejadordeBlancos = hit.GetComponent(ManejadordeBlancos);
        	var IA : InteligenciaArtificialNegra1 = hit.GetComponent(InteligenciaArtificialNegra1);
        	var NuevoVector : Vector3 = hit.transform.position - this.transform.position;
        	VidaNegra.DecrementaSalud(damage * effect);
	    if(hit.tag == "Vidrio") {
	    	hit.GetComponent("VidaVidrios").VidaVidrio = 0;
	    if(hit.tag == "Player") {
	    	var Vida : playerStatus = hit.GetComponent(playerStatus);
	        var varx = ((damage * effect) - 20);
	        if(varx > 0)

You dont have to fully understand what I do to every single tag, I talk spanish and program in spanish, so you wont understand most names, I just wants those “if´s” to be executed if its not a wall in the way…
I tried all the ways, I searched “Grenade damage” to page 5 of the forums but nothing will work, It must be me who is doing it wrong, can anybody help me?

Guys, I found the answer and it was the simpliest thing ever done, since its indeed the answer to the question Im going to post it here…
Aparently when you use raycast, and you tell it to go from the position of one object (Grenade) to the position of another object (Enemy, Player, etc) the Raycast goes FROM PIVOT POINT —> TO PIVOT POINT So my problem was this:

I had my pivot point of the object OUTSIDE of the collider, so, the raycast goes from the grenade pivot point to the enemy pivot point, did it hit anything? No, because the pivot point isnt inside the collider, so it never touched it… So I did what you see in the second example… I expanded the CharacterController (It could be any collider) so the pivot point its inside it, so the raycast will hit it.
Fortunately for me, I was going to change the model of the enemy for one better shaped, so I dont really care, Im just going to make sure the pivot point of this one is in the center, or the head, so I make sure there wont be colliders errors… Hope you dont get any serious problem with this, good luck and thanks for helping!