make increment and decreasement button with if statement didn't work?

!Hi, i have some mini project which it makes some increment and decreasement in it.
so i make a button to make a soldier increase and decrease by pressing plus and min button.
however , it didn’t work , i try to debug but nothing happens.
so maybe a void cannot using if statement ?
please make it clear for me . thanks !

this the script i use:
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;

public class CastleGo : MonoBehaviour {

	public Text curInfantQty;
	public Text curArchQty;
	public Text curCavQty;

	public int curInfant;
	public int curArch;
	public int curCav;

	// Use this for initialization
	void Start () {
		curInfant = CastleQty.infantryQty;

		curInfantQty.text = "" + curInfant;
		curArchQty.text = "" + CastleQty.archerQty;
		curCavQty.text = "" + CastleQty.cavalryQty;

	public void plusInfant()
		if (curInfant > CastleQty.infantryQty) {
			Debug.Log (curInfant);
		} else {

	public void minInfant()
		if (curInfant <= 0) {
			Debug.Log (curInfant);
		} else {

and the button i wish to make simply like this:

i already doing my stuff with the button setting like attach it to the script.
still didn’t figure it out.

Looks to me like the logic is the wrong way round. You only decrease the value if it’s already negative, and only increase it if it’s already larger than the value you initialised it to. So, assuming that CastleQty.infantryQty is non-negative on initialisation, both plusInfant() and minInfant() are going to return without doing anything.

Also note that if you want the displayed value to change, you need to set curInfantQty.text again.