Make it clear what render pipeline asset is used

I am using 2021.2 and noticed something very confusing.

In the Quality settings I can select a RP Asset, where I change stuff like MSAA etc, but in the Graphics settings there is another pipeline asset, which can be different from the one selected in Quality.
I have no idea which selection uses which part of the asset. I highly recommend automatically changing the Graphics Settings’ asset to the one from the selected in Quality, or to just don’t use the same asset for both.

The issue here is that the Graphics one is the main one and Quality ones are optional overrides for it.

But I do agree it would be nice to have at least some note on the Graphics page that mentions currently used SRP asset if it’s different from the main one.

What settings does and doesn’t it override?

What I try to say that the idea of the system is that you assign main SRP asset for Graphics settings. Quality levels being able to override the main SRP asset is just optional feature, you don’t have to use them but URP and HDRP templates have been preset to use those quality level overrides as they are examples.

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Ahhhh so the one in Graphics will not be uses if the one in Quality is set?


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