Hi, does anybody have an idea on how I would go about creating this kind of effect? Basically I want the whole level to scroll in front of the camera but I want my meshes to have that cut feel to them (look at the lighthouse on the left). It’s kinda like a near clip plane that fills objects inside and that’s not perpendicular to the camera. Any idea?
I’ll try to re-word that to better explain what I want: You seen how the lighthouse is cut in half by an invisible plane? I want to be able to move that invisible plane back and fourth and the scene always cuts properly.
there was just another mention of this type of effect here on the forums this week. I’d call this effect a slice-plane effect, though I know its not the correct terminology used in Unity.
Sorry I couldn’t find the other thread, it’s really hard to find this kind of stuff as I don’t really know what to call it. The asset seems interesting but my problem is that it will be called on every frame, so actually cutting the mesh is not an option for me. I was thinking of having another orthographic camera with a near clipping plane that is a bit farther then the default value, and use that camera as a texture for the slicing plane (I hope you understand what I’m saying, it’s a bit hard to explain, let me know if I should explain this with a drawing), but that will give me hull objects, I want them to look solid.
I wasn’t able to track it down either.
Maybe @bgolus has a suggestion. He’s pretty knowledgeable regarding render paths, order, and shaders.
There’s been a couple of threads on doing this kind of thing in a shader. One give away for the technique being used in the above image is the “cuts” are a solid color fill, and not all geometry for the lighthouse is showing that fill.
You’re looking for a cutaway or cross section shader. Most do one or two planes, but you’ll need one that you can define an entire box for.
I’ve found this Unity Asset Store - The Best Assets for Game Making doing some quick tests with it right now, it looks promising.