Hi friends, i had made the sky box in which i have to make the moving clouds, but i don’t know how to start ,
if we can create the Cloud ??
pl help with link or some tips to complete it…
thanks in advance
Hi friends, i had made the sky box in which i have to make the moving clouds, but i don’t know how to start ,
if we can create the Cloud ??
pl help with link or some tips to complete it…
thanks in advance
A skybox is basically a large texture, so changing it around like that won’t work particularly well. There are some great cloud packages floating around here though, perhaps one might suit your needs.
If you replace the sky box with a sky sphere, you can use UV animation to move the clouds. There’s an example project that shows how to do this somewhere here, sorry can’t find it at the moment.
bigkahuna is refering to this Resume - Start Bootstrap Theme but doesnt work right in U3 so i am currently in the same situation to find another one…
You are right, it doesn’t seem to work with Unity 3.4. Has anybody found a solution to having animating clouds on the skybox in Unity 3 out there?
Just how real are you going for? I’ve seen many a cloud system come and go and if you have the money to spend the asset store is the place to be, but on the other hand if you have good textures(cloud textures) then the particle system and five minutes setup time can yield some pretty sweet clouds.
From placing a row or two of emitters you can get some wicked variety.
Less is more performance wise
As far as animating scrolling uv style on a dome, those i’ve seen look funny towards the horizon.
The unity skybox can have it’s textures changed in runtime and even fade between sets of skyboxes. I’ve wanted to try to animate one but it would take a lot of textures and under theory the square corners being seamless may be a huge task. I would love to see someone try though.
Example of blending boxes and weak oblivion FX can be seen here
I am trying to stay away from the marketplace and implement this myself. Basically all I want is moving clouds on the skybox. Where would the particle system come into play here? Do you mean if the clouds are not part of the skybox?
Wow, this looks great. Is one skybox on the render settings and another skybox (the one with the clouds) on the camera in this case?
ok guys, here is your simple solution… that is incredibly useful to know.
Create an empty game object with all your sky elements (clouds, directional sun the works) Script them however you need them. You will also need a camera that sits in the middle. Its depth is -2 (since the main camera’s is -1)
Ok, for the camera, you need a piece of script that in the Prerender makes the rotation of the camera the same as Camera.main. This way the camera always looks like it is looking in the same direction as Camera.main.
Now, Create a new Layer, call it “Sky”. The sky camera can only see Sky elements, and the main camera cannot see sky elements.
Now, simply make your Sky base object the Sky layer, and all it’s children.
Lastly, set the main Camera clearFlags to CameraClearFlags.Nothing.
Viola, instant sky area.
The exact same way THIS was done.
@BigMisterB. Thanks for sharing your solution. However, the problem I would have with it is that it doesn’t use the skybox, so the clouds would not appear passed the camera clipping distance which is the real issue that I am trying to resolve. I agree though, If you don’t have a camera clipping distance, it would work great.
If you’re using a separate camera and sky objects for that purpose only, does it matter if it’s past the clipping plane?
@Nima , Sorry if I didn’t explain well. The clouds are just a row of particles. The skybox system uses a second camera for the moon and flare so that they can’t be seen through the terrain. Different layer and far clipping. The skyboxes are blended by shader.
Hope this helps.
The skybox is a static texture, there’s no (easy) way to animate it.
BigMisterB’s method shouldn’t give you culling distance issues, as you can set the culling distance for that camera to be as long as you want.
You are absolutely right. I don’t know how I overlooked that.
Can you tell me which item on asset store that sells package for moving cloud?