Make my player model cash a defuse blob rather than a hard edged shadow

In my first person 3D game the player’s identify (indeed, species) is meant to be a mystery. So I just used a capsule thinking that would be nice and generic. But people are complaining because it’s the default and looks lazy. What I’d really like is if I cast a formless gaussian blob in place of the hard edges of my capsule, kind of like ps2 games of yore. Another option is if you could have a semi-transparent shadow, so at least the “I’m really a capsule” truth would be at least somewhat obscured by making it much lower contrast.

Worst case, and this I know how to do, is to just have my character not cast a shadow. But since the game is a bit of a platformer, I think casting a shadow helps you judge your location in the game, so I’d rather not go there. See photo for how I’ve set up my scene light - I already have soft shadow selected, but what I want is waaay softer than that, and only applied to the character.