Hi, how can I make an gameobject use gravity, but dont have a rigidbody ? I dont want to use rigidbody because then after each collision with other gameobject the object will fall on the ground… (but i still want to be able to detect colisions, jut let the object behave normaly ater colision).
Well, firstly, if you want your game object to detect collisions but not be moved by built-in physics, you’ll still need a rigidbody – an object with colliders but no rigidbody is called a Static Collider, and the unity engine assumes that such an object will never move, and making the object move anyway will cause problems.
If you want to prevent your object from being moved by other objects, but you want to block objects and detect collisions with it, then what you do is you set the rigidbody’s type to Kinematic. This allows it to move (only via gravity or script-controlled movement, mind you) and block other objects, but no other object will move it, and no other object will prevent its movement.
ok. I will programma ship. on the ship, you can move in first-person and drive it but the ship must have a mesh collider not Convex because the ship’s mesh is not so good with Convex.