Make Objects in Editor Mode ALWAYS snap to the grid.

Unity has a very useful grid snapping feature which enables when holding CTRL. However, this only works when dragging around objects that have already been placed in a scene.

The issue I am having is that this doesn’t work when dragging new objects into the scene for the first time, and thusly misaligns them, and I have to correct it it setting them to 0,0,0 and dragging them back to the place I need them with snapping on.

Is there a way to ensure this feature forces objects to always be snapped to a grid so I don’t have to worry about misalignment?

After much pain and searching, I found a great replacement to Unity’s sub-standard snapping system; a Handy Plug-In called “Pro Grids” When installing it, make sure you go to the “Package Manager” Advanced > Show preview packages.

Then: Tools > Pro Grids > Pro Grids Window

It enables a simple GUI with many helpful settings and functions.