make objects push away from each other

Hi there. I want to make some kind of shockwave that pushes objects away from one particular object emitting the shockwave. This works fine by using Rigidbody.AddExplosion(). however, it doesn’t behave the way I want yet. The problem is, that the one object applying a force to another object should move a bit away from that object. I attached an illustration of it:

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Imagine you’re kicking a barrel, you apply a force to the barrel, the barrel falls over and since you’re standing on the ground, you’re still standing.

Now imagine, you’re in zero-gravity, a space-station or something, there’s a barrel floating in front of you. when you kick it, the barrel moves away from you, but since you’re also not attached to anything, you move a bit away from the barrel (assuming that your mass is higher than the barrel’s)

Do you ahve an idea how to accomplish in the unity physics engine? :slight_smile:

I think your heavy rigidbody idea is the best: since you’re already applying AddExplosionForce to each hit rigidbody, add an extra line of code to apply AddExplosionForce to the exploding object as well: use the original explosion force multiplied by hit object mass * adjust factor, the hit object’s position as the explosion center, and the original explosion radius - this will cheaply produce a very convincent reaction force.

This is an adaptation of the AddExplosionForce example:

var radius = 5.0;
var power = 10.0;
var reaction = 0.1; // adjust reaction factor

function Start () {
    // Applies an explosion force to all nearby rigidbodies
    var explosionPos : Vector3 = transform.position;
    var colliders : Collider[] = Physics.OverlapSphere (explosionPos, radius);
    for (var hit : Collider in colliders) {
        if (hit && hit.rigidbody){
            // apply explosion force to the hit object:
            hit.rigidbody.AddExplosionForce(power, explosionPos, radius, 3.0);
            // apply reaction force proportional to the hit object's mass:
            rigidbody.AddExplosionForce(reaction * power * hit.rigidbody.mass, hit.transform.position, radius)

EDITED: When the static object is long like a wall, you can find the reaction force origin using some geometry (case 1 in the drawing below): do a Linecast from the explosion to the object’s center, project the vector hit point - explosion onto the surface normal to find the reaction vector, then add it to the explosion pos: this returns the reaction origin in the wall plane. But what if the explosion is beyond the wall (case 2)? To detect this, you can do a short raycast to the reaction origin plus a little distance (0.5m, for instance) - if wall hit, use the calculated reaction origin; if not, explosion is beyond the wall, thus use the wall center as reaction origin. All this geometry may seem complicated, but is cheap: only when a static object is found you must use one linecast and one raycast, both short and inexpensive.

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Since the treatment for static and movable objects must be different, you must know who’s who. The easiest way is to remove rigidbodies from the static objects: if the object hit has a rigidbody, AddExplosionForce to it (and the reaction force to the exploding object too, if you want); if no rigidbody, the object is static, thus just calculate the reaction origin and apply the reaction force.

This code considers static all objects without a rigidbody, and calculates the reaction origin like said above:

var pos : Vector3 = transform.position;
var colliders : Collider[] = Physics.OverlapSphere (pos, fieldRadius);
for (var hit : Collider in colliders) {
    if (hit){
        if (hit.rigidbody){ // movable object:
            hit.rigidbody.AddExplosionForce(...); // apply force to object hit
            // apply reaction force to exploding object as well, if you want
        else { // no rigidbody means static object:
            var pReact = hit.transform.position;
            var hitP: RaycastHit;
            Physics.Linecast(pos, pReact, hitP); // find the surface normal and hit point
            // calculate vector from explosion to wall surface
            var vReact = Vector3.Project(hitP.point - pos, hitP.normal);
            // check if not beyond wall end:
            if (Physics.Raycast(pos, vReact, vReact.magnitude + 0.5)){
                pReact = pos + vReact; // ok: reaction origin is here
            rigidbody.AddExplosionForce(fieldForce, pReact, fieldRadius, 0);

NOTE: If you need more control on which objects are static (and thus produce reaction) tag them as “Static” and check this in the else branch - this may be useful if you don’t want reaction from the ground, for instance.

Thanks a lot. I updated it to take the mass ratio into account:

var pos : Vector3 = transform.position;
var colliders : Collider[] = Physics.OverlapSphere (pos, fieldRadius);
for (var hit : Collider in colliders) {
    if (hit && hit.rigidbody){
    	var myMass=rigidbody.mass;
    	var hitMass=hit.rigidbody.mass;
        // apply explosion force to the hit object:
        hit.rigidbody.AddExplosionForce(fieldForce*(myMass/hitMass), pos, fieldRadius, 0.0);
        // apply reaction force proportional to the hit object's mass:
        rigidbody.AddExplosionForce(fieldForce*(hitMass/myMass), hit.transform.position, fieldRadius,0.0);

however, i encountered another problem. This solution works fine for spherical objects of the same size, but here’s an illustration of a problem I have that makes the thing a bit more complicated :confused:

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