make player stuck inside of an enemy ,how to make a player stuck inside of an enemy ?

Hi, I am a newbie in unity and I need help.
I have a jelly enemy that I want him to jump on the player (which he does)
and that the player will be stuck inside of him and only be released if he will press the attack button fast. my primary problem is to make the player stuck inside of him.
someone can help?

its 2d by the way,

If the problem is that the enemy collides with the player and re-enacts physics, and so can’t go through the player, I would recommend disabling the player’s collider when entering the jelly collider, and re-enabling it when exiting the jelly collider. To remove any issue of falling through floors, you could have a temporary small collider under the player’s feet, that should allow the jelly to stand on top of, as well as the player, but the player being inside of the jelly. @bangos15