Make Players passable, but not floor

Hi there…
I’ve an urgent question, that gives us headaches for weeks now.
In our 2D Sideview Game (3D orthographic), the players should be able to run through each other, but not fall through the floor or jump through the roof…

Soo… we are out of ideas…
tried to move the Players on different Z levels (which are limited too…) or switching the trigger mode on/off…

So… If you have some ideas or solutions… perhaps got the same problem in a project and solved it…
please help us :frowning:

and thanks for your attention :slight_smile:

you can ignore the colliders for only players of every player … so it basically disables the collider for the other player only, but the collider still remains…

    //or if many need to be ignored you can do a GameObject array of player colliders and iterate through, for you to mess around with