Make projection shadow stay on ground?

Hello, are there any solutions to make a projection shadow stay on the ground? Thanks for any help.

Bump :slight_smile:

Bump #2!

I thought this was addressed in the Lerpz tutorial?

I never read that tutorial. i will find it in there now. Thanks for the tip KelsoMRK. :slight_smile:

KelsoMRK, I looked at the tutorial and it said nothing about keeping the blob shadow on the ground. :frowning:

1 Week bump!

If you want the shadows to be only projected on the ground, can’t you specify in the culling setting of the projector wich layers must be ignored? Doing so, and ignoring the other layers the shadow should only appear on the ground.

That’s not what I want. I want the projection shadow to stay on the ground So it doesn’t rotate with the vehicle when it flips over. :slight_smile:

It really is quite simple…

1.) Don’t make the shadow projector a component or child of your vehicle.
2.) Create an empty game object for it, then attach the shadow projector to your empty game object
3.) Attach a script to the empty game object that matches the x/z transforms of your shadow to that of the car movement…


void Start () {
vehicle = GameObject.Find(“Vehicle”);

void Update () {
transform.position = vehicle.transform.position;

Meltdown, when I use it ingame I get a null reference exception on the Update function.

var vehicle : GameObject;

function Start () {
vehicle = GameObject.FindWithTag("Karumaz_212F");

function Update () {
transform.position = vehicle.transform.position;    //Error on this line(this not in code)

Your vehicle object is null. Are you confusing tags with names?

No. I tagged my car Karumaz_212F