Make Reticule Bloom When Shot

Hello, I am trying to achieve the effect of my reticule blooming when I shoot in my game. I already have coded the shooting aspect(from the Unity FPS tutorial) and I am trying to make only on part of the reticule bloom. I was thinking of using multiple GUITextures(which is what I use now for turning red on enemys etc) and simply increasing the size of the reticule. But I want it to stay the same size, but expand. Here is an example. Simply watch when the player shoots how the reticule expands. Im just wondering how I should approach this. Thank you!

If you don't want to scale the transform on the texture, you might use multiple textures in a flip-book animation style, essentially making a 'movie' of the effect, then start that 'movie' when you fire.

I don't know what your parameters are for this, but maybe you could nest the texture in another game object. You would not have to scale the parent, but maybe you could scale the texture child in it. (And by the video link you posted, about a 90 degree rotation too).

Or you could write a shader to do it, something akin to Fur, and animate the 'fur length'