Make the main color not affect the texture color-


I want make my character face change color but using the same texture for eyes and mount with trasparency.
If i use the diffuse shared, i can change the Main Color for the face, and apply the base texture for the face details but the texture is affected by the Main Color (i think is multiplied).

What shader I can use to archive this? I need to write my own shader? Some example? I tried also with a 2nd material channel and use the decal shader but the result is the same…

Attached you can find the result, oblivusly i want the eyes white but they are multiplied with the Main Color…

Thank you in advance.

You can give the eyes a different material in your modelling program.

I think you are basically doing what I was asking for help with here: Texture with solid color for image's alpha? - Unity Engine - Unity Discussions

You want to apply a texture to a mesh, and want the main color of the mesh to be changeable, but not affect the image. Am I correct? If so my link has the customized shader for that, although it’s specular, and the alpha was converted to black.

Thank you mbowen89, is exacly what i do. Thank you.