Make the Player jump back on collision

Hi there, hope everyone is having a great day.

So I’m trying to add a feature in my game, where if the player gets close to the edge of a cliff for example and hits a collider, he will get pulled back. Imagine a mom cat picking up a kitten by the neck and pulling it back a bit, back to safety.
Because I don’t want to just use blocks and have the player run into an invisible wall. It just seems more reactive.

So below is my movement script (I did achieve this following a tutorial, I won’t lie).
Basically I’m hoping to use a similar script for the pull back, involving a bit of backwards jump and animation.

If anyone could lead me in the right direction, that would be MUCH appreciated. :slight_smile:
Thanks and have a nice day!

using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Runtime.CompilerServices;
using Unity.VisualScripting;
using UnityEditor.Rendering;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.InputSystem;
using UnityEngine.Windows.Speech;

public class AnimationAndMovementController : MonoBehaviour

    private PlayerInput playerInput;
    private CharacterController characterController;
    private Animator animator;

    int isWalkingHash;
    int isRunningHash;
    int isJumpingHash;

    float groundedGravity = -.05f;
    float gravity = -9.8f;

    private Vector2 currentMovementInput;
    private Vector3 currentMovement;
    private Vector3 currentRunMovement;
    public bool isMovementPressed;
    public bool isRunPressed;
    public bool isJumpPressed = false;
    private float rotationFactorPerFrame = 15f;
    [SerializeField]private float runMultiplier = 4.0f;
    private float walkMultiplier = 1.5f;

    public bool isDisabled = false;

    private float initialJumpVelocity;
    private float maxJumpHeight = 4.0f;
    private float maxJumpTime = 0.75f;
    private bool isJumping = false;
    bool isJumpAnimating = false;

    private void Awake()
        playerInput = new PlayerInput();
        characterController = GetComponent<CharacterController>();
        animator = GetComponent<Animator>();

        isWalkingHash = Animator.StringToHash("isWalking");
        isRunningHash = Animator.StringToHash("isRunning");
        isJumpingHash = Animator.StringToHash("isJumping");

        playerInput.CharacterControls.Move.started += OnMovementInput;
        playerInput.CharacterControls.Move.canceled += OnMovementInput;
        playerInput.CharacterControls.Move.performed += OnMovementInput;

        playerInput.CharacterControls.Run.started += OnRun;
        playerInput.CharacterControls.Run.canceled += OnRun;

        playerInput.CharacterControls.Jump.started += OnJump;
        playerInput.CharacterControls.Jump.canceled += OnJump;


    private void setupJumpVariables()
        float timeToApex = maxJumpTime / 2;
        gravity = (-2 * maxJumpHeight) / Mathf.Pow(timeToApex, 2);
        initialJumpVelocity = (2 * maxJumpHeight) / timeToApex;

    private void handleJump()
        if (!isJumping && characterController.isGrounded && isJumpPressed)
            animator.SetBool(isJumpingHash, true);
            isJumpAnimating = true;
            isJumping = true;
            currentMovement.y = initialJumpVelocity * .5f;
            currentRunMovement.y = initialJumpVelocity * .5f;
        else if ((!isJumpPressed && isJumping && characterController.isGrounded)){
            isJumping = false;

    private void OnJump(InputAction.CallbackContext context)
        isJumpPressed = context.ReadValueAsButton();

    private void HandleRotation()
        Vector3 positionToLookAt;

        positionToLookAt.x = currentMovement.x;
        positionToLookAt.y = 0.0f;
        positionToLookAt.z = currentMovement.z;

        Quaternion currentRotation = transform.rotation;

        if (isMovementPressed)

            Quaternion targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(positionToLookAt);
            transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(currentRotation, targetRotation, rotationFactorPerFrame * Time.deltaTime);


    private void OnMovementInput(InputAction.CallbackContext context)
        currentMovementInput = context.ReadValue<Vector2>();
        currentMovement.x = currentMovementInput.x * walkMultiplier;
        currentMovement.z = currentMovementInput.y * walkMultiplier;
        currentRunMovement.x = currentMovementInput.x * runMultiplier;
        currentRunMovement.z = currentMovementInput.y * runMultiplier;
        isMovementPressed = currentMovementInput.x != 0 || currentMovementInput.y != 0;

    private void OnRun(InputAction.CallbackContext context)
        isRunPressed = context.ReadValueAsButton();

    private void HandleAnimation()
        bool isWalking = animator.GetBool(isWalkingHash);
        bool isRunning = animator.GetBool(isRunningHash);

        if (isMovementPressed && !isWalking)
            animator.SetBool(isWalkingHash, true);
        else if(!isMovementPressed && isWalking)
            animator.SetBool(isWalkingHash, false);

        if((isMovementPressed && isRunPressed) && !isRunning)
            animator.SetBool(isRunningHash, true);
        else if ((!isMovementPressed || !isRunPressed) && isRunning)
            animator.SetBool(isRunningHash, false);


    private void HandleGravity()
        bool isFalling = currentMovement.y <= 0.0f || !isJumpPressed;
        float fallMultiplier = 2.0f;

        if (characterController.isGrounded)
            if (isJumpAnimating)
                animator.SetBool(isJumpingHash, false);
                isJumpAnimating = false;
            currentMovement.y = groundedGravity;
            currentRunMovement.y = groundedGravity;
        else if (isFalling)
            float previousYVelocity = currentMovement.y;
            float newYVelocity = (currentMovement.y + (gravity * fallMultiplier * Time.deltaTime));
            float nextYVelocity = Mathf.Max((previousYVelocity + newYVelocity) * .5f, -20.0f);
            currentMovement.y = nextYVelocity;
            currentRunMovement.y = nextYVelocity;
            float previousYVelocity = currentMovement.y;
            float newYVelocity = (currentMovement.y + (gravity * Time.deltaTime));
            float nextYVelocity = (previousYVelocity + newYVelocity) * .5f;
            currentMovement.y = nextYVelocity;
            currentRunMovement.y = nextYVelocity;

    // Update is called once per frame
    private void Update()

        if (!isDisabled)

            if (isRunPressed)
                characterController.Move(currentRunMovement * Time.deltaTime);
                characterController.Move(currentMovement * Time.deltaTime);




    private void OnEnable()

    private void OnDisable()