Unity 5 is in pre alpha and you are selling it as a final product, how can you spend a single developer in new features and not spend all developers in making Unity 5 production ready (it’s very far from that).
There are a lot of very very serious bugs, just look at the forums. We want this engine to be as reliable as it was before 4.6 version
I definitely see your point and feel your pain, but at the same time Unity is a big team, and we’re not there so don’t see how things are working. Chances are there are people doing different things. Maybe one group just does VR stuff, they aren’t going to be working on UI or networking bugs and that kind of thing. So some people are free to develop new stuff while others tackle the bugs in their part of the project.
Think of a two person team that’s just an artist and a programmer. The programmer might be fixing bugs while the artist is free to continue developing new models. They’re different people and working on different things. There’s no sense in the artist stopping his work because there’s a bug somewhere unrelated to anything he’s doing.
Having said that, I’d have probably liked to see the VR stuff get ironed out a bit better before 3 and 4 were released. I do commend Unity on the very quick beta 4 release though that fixed many of the rendering issues. I wasn’t expecting an update nearly that quickly so was happy to see it. Granted, it’s got a plethora of new problems of its own, but I was pleased to see an update so quickly regardless.
Cannot say I disagree +1
You’re entitled to file a bug but unfortunately for your argument, Unity 5 is already used for several games which are already sold and already happily being played by people.
If you have a bug you should file it, it will greatly help you.
This is the 5.1 beta forum and beta will be often buggy. I’m locking this because it is nothing to do with 5.1 (beta is beta).