I’m looking for a way to make a custom visual element resizable at runtime, something like how MultiColumnHeader and MultiColumnListView have columns with resizable widths. I would like mine to have a height and width that the user can change if they click and drag on the edges of the element. As of now, it doesn’t look like Unity has documentation on how they implemented resizing for their MultiColumn elements. If anyone has any pointers on where to get started, that would be helpful!
The implementation is something we consider internal, meaning it is not an API you can use, things may change at every minor version, etc. but everything is provided so that you can inspire yourself from what we have done.
The code for the mulitColumnListView is here:
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Thanks, this is exactly what I was looking for!
Link is dead. Any other exaples for resizing? I have the same issue as goldsax and there is no solution anywhere on the forums, this seems to be the only one but it has a dead link
Maybe this?
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Oh yeah, thank you very much! At a first glance it looks like something that will solve my issue