Make VR HUD For health bar and mana.

Hello, I have two 3d Meshes that I need to put in as my HUD. I attached these two 3d Meshes to my main camera and positioned them accordingly. I also made a shader for them so they can be seen through walls, that way you can always see your health and mana. The problem with this is it looks very odd. It looks like the 3d objects are moving (which they are) while in the VR headset rather than being in the same spot relative to the camera, which overall just looks bad. Does anyone have any recommendations for how to create a proper HUD for VR. I am making a game where the player can move around the map, so a HUD the user can always see is necessary.

I placed mine in 3d game space and move it with the camera, which makes it not visible all the time but you can look at it if you like.

Well I figured it out. Here is the solution I used. I basically make the object act as if it were a child of the Camera only via code this way I can still manipulate the position propperly. Then Vector3.SmoothDamp and the Github I found with Quanternion SmoothDamp, take care of the position and rotation.

using UnityEngine;

public class HUDTracker : MonoBehaviour

    private Transform fakeParent;
    private Vector3 _positionOffset;
    private Quaternion _rotationOffset;
    private Camera cameraObj;
    private Transform cameraTransform;
    private Vector3 velocity =;

    void Start()
        cameraObj = Camera.main;
        transform.localPosition = new Vector3(cameraObj.transform.localPosition.x - 0.3f, cameraObj.transform.localPosition.y - 2.2f, cameraObj.transform.localPosition.z + 1.2f); 

        // Set parent object

        cameraTransform = cameraObj.transform;

    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        // this is the desired position for the HUD.
        Vector3 offsetHUDPos = cameraTransform.TransformPoint(new Vector3(cameraObj.transform.localPosition.x, cameraObj.transform.localPosition.y - 2.2f, cameraObj.transform.localPosition.z + 1.2f));
        var temp = new Quaternion(0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f);
        transform.rotation = SmoothDamp(transform.rotation, fakeParent.rotation * _rotationOffset, ref temp, 0.05f);

        // Change position with SmoothDamp so it moves smoothly.
        transform.position = Vector3.SmoothDamp(transform.position, offsetHUDPos, ref velocity, 0.2f);

    public void SetFakeParent(Transform parent)
        //Offset vector
        _positionOffset = transform.InverseTransformPoint(transform.position) - transform.InverseTransformPoint(parent.position);
        //Offset rotation
        _rotationOffset = Quaternion.Inverse(parent.rotation) * transform.rotation;
        //Our fake parent
        fakeParent = parent;

    private Quaternion SmoothDamp(Quaternion rot, Quaternion target, ref Quaternion deriv, float time)
        if (Time.deltaTime < Mathf.Epsilon) return rot;
        // account for double-cover
        var Dot = Quaternion.Dot(rot, target);
        var Multi = Dot > 0f ? 1f : -1f;
        target.x *= Multi;
        target.y *= Multi;
        target.z *= Multi;
        target.w *= Multi;
        // smooth damp (nlerp approx)
        var Result = new Vector4(
            Mathf.SmoothDamp(rot.x, target.x, ref deriv.x, time),
            Mathf.SmoothDamp(rot.y, target.y, ref deriv.y, time),
            Mathf.SmoothDamp(rot.z, target.z, ref deriv.z, time),
            Mathf.SmoothDamp(rot.w, target.w, ref deriv.w, time)

        // ensure deriv is tangent
        var derivError = Vector4.Project(new Vector4(deriv.x, deriv.y, deriv.z, deriv.w), Result);
        deriv.x -= derivError.x;
        deriv.y -= derivError.y;
        deriv.z -= derivError.z;
        deriv.w -= derivError.w;

        return new Quaternion(Result.x, Result.y, Result.z, Result.w);

     * SmoothDamp function acquired from
     * Copyright 2016 Max Kaufmann (
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     * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal
     * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights
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     * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is
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