Make Your Editor Pretty | Pretty Objects

Hey everyone,
I made a new asset a while back and I wanted to share it so it can help you too.

If you have any feedback please let me know

That’s really frakin cool. Does it store the states into a text file that I can check into my github so everyone on the project sees the same UI once I set it up?

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It stores is as a component so when you upload the project to git and they get it, it should open the same way for them too

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Some suggestions for the asset:

In the docs, highlight the built in Unity multi-select and “Preset” abilities to set component properties

In my project I have multiple sections which I wanted to style similarly – so I selected all three in the hierarchy, added the pretty object component, and then made all the settings how I wanted. But after I did that, I realized a few hours later that I wanted to style another section the same way, so I checked to see if the component preset saving and applying works with Pretty Objects and it DOES.

I recommend you highlight that built in feature of the Unity editor for people like me who may not use component presets as often so that users of the asset can keep their styles consistent across their whole project.

Add ability to style differently for dark editor -vs- light editor themes

I use the dark editor theme and my teammate uses the light one. When I setup my Pretty Object styles, I had only designed them to look good in the dark theme and when he updated his game, he thought his download was corrupt because the hierarchy looked so bad on his light themed editor.

Is it possible to add an option to only apply the colors if the editor theme matches mine while leaving the positioning and font changes in place?

Hey man – Still loving Pretty Objects. As someone who only gets to work on my project a few times a week, being able to visually find the hierarchy objects I marked bright green to denote that I’m working on them has been a huge boost in productivity for me.

While I’ve been using them, I’ve come up with a few new features that I’d love to see added some day. I’d even put a bounty on them or subscribe to a patreon or whatever to encourage you to continue to work on the tool if you’d be willing to accept that.


Pretty Objects for Project list view

  • For all the same reasons that pretty game objects are super useful in hierarchy, I’d love to see them over in the Project

Emoji support in hierarchy name

  • There are so many universally recognizable emoji’s out there. I use them in my ticketing system to make a particular feature stand out from the others. I’d love to have that same emoji in the names of my gameobjects in the hierarchy.
  • Work-around:

Option to check and reload changed presets when they change

  • What happens: When I save a preset for my “Hierarchy class of XYZ” the style of that preset is only applied when I select it in the Inspector.
  • What I’d like to happen: If I am applying a style to be consistent with all objects of a class, but I decide that I’d really like to have the font larger, or a brighter color, I would love for all of the pretty objects who are assigned to that style to have the option to automagically pick that style up and stay consistent.
  • Work-around – select all my gameobjects and then click on the “load preset” for their pretty object and grab my preset.