Makehuman - Blender - Unity Question

It’s simple. I exported a file from Makehuman, imported it into Blender, animated it, exported in .FBX, imported into Unity. The human mesh is not rendering in Unity, did I skip a crucial step?? Does anyone know the exact steps for me to take to do this??


I figured it out in case people need to know in the future… You need the latest Blender version (2.61), and a NIGHTLY BUILD of Makehuman, NOT the Alpha build. From Makehuman, export as .MHX, import that file into Blender using the “Makehuman(.mhx)” importer… This importer is not turned on be default, you have to go to File>UserPreferences>Addons>Import/Export and check the ticker box by the Makehuman importer. Then, when you go to File>Import you will see the “Makehuman(.mhx)” importer…

This is a video with detailed instructions on doing exactly what you are looking for.