I am making a script that has to be attached to an object that detects if the player has clicked on it and it cannot be from too far away, I have no idea where to begin and need help. When you click on it it should increase the time of day from another script, the problem I am having here is that the time of day is a number 0-1, .25 being sunrise and .75 being sunset if I just set it to 0 it will screw up and restart the day but since when it hits 1 it gets put at 0 I cannot just add say .1 to it until it gets to 25. I am sure that part is not as hard as the mouse click on game object but it will still be a challenge for me.
my time of day script that the bed will need to access to change the time of day.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class AtmosphericConditioning : MonoBehaviour
// The directional light which we manipulate as our sun and moon.
[Header("Day Night System")]
public Light sun;
// The particle system which we manipulate as our stars.
public ParticleSystem starSystem;
//Variables to keep track of the default fog.
public bool defaultFog;
public Color defaultFogColor;
public float defaultFogDensity;
[Header("Fog system System")]
public Color fogColor = Color.white;
public float fogDensity = 0.01f;
// The number of real-world seconds in one full game day.
// Set this to 86400 for a 24-hour realtime day.
[Header("Day Length System")]
public float secondsInFullDay = 3600f;
// The value we use to calculate the current time of day.
// Goes from 0 (midnight) through 0.25 (sunrise), 0.5 (midday), 0.75 (sunset) to 1 (midnight).
// We define ourself what value the sunrise sunrise should be etc., but I thought these
// values fit well. And now much of the script are hardcoded to these values.
[Range(0, 1)]
public static float currentTimeOfDay = 0.5f;
// A multiplier other scripts can use to speed up and slow down the passing of time.
public float timeMultiplier = 1f;
// Get the initial intensity of the sun so we remember it.
float sunInitialIntensity;
//camera to follow
[Header("Nested Camera System")]
public Camera cameraToFollow;
//Sets the current time
float currentTime = 0.0f;
public string timeString = "00:00 AM";
void Start() {
sunInitialIntensity = sun.intensity;
//Sets the current time to the starting time.
currentTime = currentTimeOfDay;
//gets the default fog values.
defaultFog = RenderSettings.fog;
defaultFogColor = RenderSettings.fogColor;
defaultFogDensity = RenderSettings.fogDensity;
void Update() {
//increment time
currentTime += Time.deltaTime * timeMultiplier;
//reset time
if (currentTime >= 24.0f) {
currentTime %= 24.0f;
// Updates the sun's rotation and intensity according to the current time of day.
// This makes currentTimeOfDay go from 0 to 1 in the number of seconds we've specified.
currentTimeOfDay += (Time.deltaTime / secondsInFullDay) * timeMultiplier;
// If currentTimeOfDay is 1 (midnight) set it to 0 again so we start a new day.
if (currentTimeOfDay >= 1) {
currentTimeOfDay = 0;
//Controls the nested camera system.
void UpdateSun() {
// Rotate the sun 360 degrees around the x-axis according to the current time of day.
// We subtract 90 degrees from this to make the sun rise at 0.25 instead of 0.
// I just found that easier to work with.
// The y-axis determines where on the horizon the sun will rise and set.
// The z-axis does nothing.
sun.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler((currentTimeOfDay * 360f) - 90, 90, 0);
// The following determines the sun's intensity according to current time of day.
// You'll notice I have hardcoded a bunch of values here. They were just the values
// I felt worked best. This can obviously be made to be user configurable.
// Also with some more clever code you can have different lengths for the day and
// night as well.
// The sun is full intensity during the day.
float intensityMultiplier = 1;
// Set intensity to 0 during the night and control our stars.
if (currentTimeOfDay <= 0.23f || currentTimeOfDay >= 0.75f) {
intensityMultiplier = 0.01f;
else if (currentTimeOfDay > 0.25f || currentTimeOfDay < 0.75f) {
// Fade in the sun when it rises.
else if (currentTimeOfDay <= 0.25f) {
// 0.02 is the amount of time between sunrise and the time we start fading out
// the intensity (0.25 - 0.23). By dividing 1 by that value we we get get 50.
// This tells us that we have to fade in the intensity 50 times faster than the
// time is passing to be able to go from 0 to 1 intensity in the same amount of
// time as the currentTimeOfDay variable goes from 0.23 to 0.25. That way we get
// a perfect fade.
intensityMultiplier = Mathf.Clamp01((currentTimeOfDay - 0.23f) * (1 / 0.02f));
// And fade it out when it sets.
else if (currentTimeOfDay >= 0.73f) {
intensityMultiplier = Mathf.Clamp01(1 - ((currentTimeOfDay - 0.73f) * (1 / 0.02f)));
// Multiply the intensity of the sun according to the time of day.
sun.intensity = sunInitialIntensity * intensityMultiplier;
void ControlCamera() {
//Get camera
if (!cameraToFollow) {
cameraToFollow = Camera.main;
//set position to the camera
if (cameraToFollow) {
transform.position = cameraToFollow.transform.position;
void CalculateTime() {
//Is it am of pm?
string AMPM = "";
float minutes = ((currentTime) - (Mathf.Floor(currentTime))) * 60.0f;
if (currentTime <= 12.0f) {
AMPM = "AM";
else {
AMPM = "PM";
//Make the final string
timeString = Mathf.Floor(currentTime).ToString() + " : " + minutes.ToString("F0") + " " + AMPM;