I was wondering if anyone here has made cloaks/capes/scarfs or anything for their characters that uses the Cloth GameObject, if so how do you make it attached to the character and follow him ? And if you use some other method what is that method of making these elements?
I made a cape... Just attach it to the game object and attach some colliders...
Step 1) Make two small gameObjects (Name Them Collider1 & Collider2)
Step 2) Make a Cloth gameObject (Name it Cape)
Step 3) Move Collider1 & Collider2 onto your "player"
Step 4) Move the Cape INTO the colliders (So that the edges of the cape are intersecting the colliders)
Step 5) Under "Attached Colliders" (In the capes settings) set it to 2
Step 6) Drag & Drop Collider1 & Collider2 onto the two spaces that apear when you finish step 5
In case it isn't clear, here is a picture:
Here is a prefab of the "player"... Sorry I can't answer your questions specifically... I hope this helps!
Model the Scarf etc first and then add it to the current model with colliders as GBStudios said, then add the modifier. This will work for Scarfs, Capes etc. For a cloak or robe etc, model it with your character and then the cloak part of the mesh give it the cloth modifier. Or just model both separately and add colliders to non moving parts.
Peace, Aaron Lewis