Making a Credits screen

I’ve got a credits screen (attached) — a Canvas with a Scroll View with … text. But I want the people/things listed to be clickable, so text + buttons. But then I can’t seem to line up the block of text with the text buttons in a reliable way…
Is there a better asset I should be using? Should I be nesting hierarchies and making each pair (“Music: Mirage by Kevin MacLeod”) inside of individual Panels which are in then in the Scroll View? … it kind of wants to be an unordered list (for that matter, should I be creating them programmatically for simplicity?)
Hopefully the question/screenshot makes sense… :slight_smile:

Why? You can put a UI canvas and a panel and second child panel that can scroll vertical and that it contains vertical group of clickable buttons fix in high without using code, just by using the new “UI” and “Layout” components.


I want labels to the left of the buttons, essentially.

for the credits line “Music: Mirage by Kevin MacLeod” I want “Kevin MacLeod” to be a link.

But I’m trying to use one block of text for the labels (which is the stupid/lazy part of things). Or at least part of it…

ETA: I need to look at layout options. I may have missed that completely. Thanks!!!