Please forgive me if this has been asked before (On many occasions), but trolling 6533 threads is not my idea of fun. So here goes.
I want to create a cut scene at the beginning of my game where the character (3D Humanoid} walks in to a room, over to the chair and then sits on it, and that’s basically it, I have trawled through google for 2 days but all everyone wants to tell me is how to animate a character to move using an animator controller, so Idle, walk, run, jump etc. I know how to do all that, it’s creating this mini movie that’s got me stumped, I know how to use cine-machine, animate and switch cameras and all that, it’s just the character animation piece that I cannot fit into the puzzle, I’m totally on the verge of just saying to hell with it, smashin me ed on a brick wall and quiting all together, so please, if only for the sake of saving my noggin, can someone please point me in the right direction, is it even possible to do withing unity or do I need to learn another program like blender?
Provided you already have the walk and sit animations, probably the new timeline feature is what you are looking for.
Take a look a this tutorial serie: link
Instead, if you were interested in making your own character animations, you can’t do that in Unity, you have to use other softwares like blender.
Thank you for the rapid response, I had already figured it out, just after I submitted the post in fact. As usual, it just boiled down to me overthinking things, like standing in forest but you can’t see the wood for the trees, useful video though so thanks for that and as I say for the quick answer. My noggin is safe for another day!
Man I had a long post to help encourage you then your response popped up and I deleted it all. Good luck with your project and don’t give up. Happy Gaming!