Making a gun sound when shooting (HELP)

Hello, I created this script so when you click it shoots the game object, I wanted it also to play a OneShotSound through a AudioClip public variable this is C# btw. But when I do this put the clip in the inspector it says I want an audiosource which I don’t want because I want it to play through the script. Here is the script thanks!

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class FireBlaster : MonoBehaviour 
	public GameObject blaster;
	private Transform myTransform;
	private Transform cameraHeadTransform;
	private Vector3 launchPosition = new Vector3();
	private float fireRate = 0.2f;
	private float nextFire = 0;
	public AudioClip gunSound;
	void Start () 
		myTransform = transform;

		cameraHeadTransform = myTransform.FindChild ("CameraHead");

	void Update () 
		if(Input.GetButton("Fire Weapon")  Time.time > nextFire)
			nextFire = Time.time + fireRate;
			launchPosition = cameraHeadTransform.TransformPoint(0, 0, 0.2f);

			Instantiate(blaster,launchPosition,Quaternion.Euler(cameraHeadTransform.eulerAngles.x + 90, 
			                                                    myTransform.eulerAngles.y, 0));

Nevermind I fixed it thanks!