Making a level with props or in a 3d software?

Which is better making the level entirely in a 3D software or making it with indivual props in Unity ? and why ?

Sorry for the beginner question.

Here is my view, its a mixture of both and dependant on what you want to achieve.

I often build all walls for levels inside blender and have it as one model, but that depends on how big the level is, if it was a huge level I wouldn’t do that. I’d have separate parts that are individual objects so things like occlusion culling and batching can work.

For props #I’d say Unity is better. You can create prefabs for them and reuse and edit just one prefab to edit all assets in the scene.

Lets say you have a level with 100 barrels, if you did that inside blender you would have 100 barrel meshes and unity wouldn’t know they are the same thing. If you wanted to edit those barrels you’ve have to edit 100 of them.
If you create 1 barrel prefab in unity and reuse that in the level you could edit that one barrel prefab and unity would update all of them. It could then batch them when rendering if possible and save resources and performance by doing so.