i’m making a gta-style game. i got enterable ai cars, shooting scripts and a enviorment, but i want some mechamin ai’s. is there a way to combine mecamin, uma and rain? i am a complete NOOB with these programs, so i need help.
kind regards,
rens van breukelen
you should go for some tutorials. Doin some “Gta-style” game is not the easiest way to start learning “these programs”.
i know it’s hard, but hey: i’m trying to learn;) I tryed out some tutorials, but some are way to easy and long, and others don’t explain what i need:eyes:.
That’s the trick. There is no “How to do GTA in Unity3D” tutorial, obviously So you need to think about what you want to achieve, what parts you need in the game like UI, AI, Inventory etc. And then start with one of those and learn it